When one has approved a leader to initiate the pioneering process a couple dynamic begin to be at play. First, the newly approved leader begins the “support raising” process and many times making transition arrangements like buying and selling a home. Secondly, vision and dreams for the new ministry begins and the release to begin building the perfect pioneering team.
Chi Alpha Pioneering Boot Camp
The Pioneering Boot Camp is a great experience for leaders to go through shortly after they are approved! Why? This will give them an orientation to the process they are embarking on along with give guidance in who they build their launch team. This will also help guide them in the early stages of getting to know the new campus.
The Pioneering Task Force developed the Boot Camp around three primary components in building a campus pioneering strategy:
1. What is God doing on campus?
2. Who is the Leader and the team?
3. The uniqueness of the campus.
The 2 day Boot Camp will help the leader reflect on how the Lord has prepared them to pioneer and assess where other ministries are already established on campus. Secondly, the training will help affirm their strengths, leadership competencies and give some clarity to what leadership attributes they need to look for in building their team. Finally, offer key questions that will help them get to know their new campus quickly.
Once a leader has recruited their team and raised their budget, it’s time to walk through the Boot Camp a second time with their team. This LAUNCH BOOT CAMP will help bring a team building experience to help clarify team dynamics and clarity to the first phase of pioneering. This Boot Camp is usually facilitated in the city of the campus and built around the launch of the ministry.
The Pioneering Boot Camp focuses on the strategic elements of a pioneering strategy and is build around the 13 Behavioral Dimensions of the Ridley Behavioral Interview. The team will be given tools, exercises and experiences in developing their strategic plan. Unfortunately, a two day training does not build a specific skill, meaning that some additional training and coaching may be needed for those areas a leader may not of developed previously.
Click HERE To find a Boot Camp to send a newly appointed pioneer.
Contact Paul Austin, austincomplex@gmail.com or 208-241-6504 to schedule one in your district.